Gynaecomastia – sometimes refer to as a male breast reduction – is the enlargement of the male breasts due to excess tissue.

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Excess breast tissue in males can occur during puberty and in most cases will resolve without the need for intervention. In some cases, however, this condition may persist and surgical intervention to reduce the breast is an option that can be considered for management.
Common causes of gynaecomastia include:
- hormonal changes
- increased weight
- genetic conditions
- medications and medical conditions
If left untreated, this condition can get worse over time. Exercise is one way to reduce fatty tissue in the chest. However, if the male breast enlargement is due to genetics or hormones, surgical intervention is an option.
During your consultation at Valley Plastic Surgery, we discuss your specific requirements and determine an approach for you.
Male breast reduction procedure
Gynaecomastia surgery is performed at an accredited medical facility under general anaesthetic.
To complete the surgery, an incision is made around the nipple. Excess tissue and fat are then removed using liposuction and/or surgical excision. The method used is dependent on the condition of the breasts. In some cases where a large amount of tissue is removed, the nipples may also be repositioned.
Male Breast Reduction Before and After
How much does a male breast reduction cost?
Once you have met with your surgeon and a clinical plan has been established, our client support officers will organise a quote. Your quote will include a fee for your surgeon as well as an estimate of anaesthetist and hospital fees. There may also be costs associated with medication, pathology and post-surgery garments.
In some instances, a male breast reduction is considered medically necessary, and will attract a Medicare item number. If you are insured, your private health insurer may also cov-er some of the costs of your procedure, provided you meet the eligibility criteria.
What’s required to prepare for gynaecomastia surgery?
Prior to your procedure, it’s important to stay healthy. This means eating the right foods, getting enough sleep and exercise, and keeping your immune system strong. It’s also im-portant to prepare for your recovery before your breast reduction. You may wish to pre-prepare some healthy meals, purchase some comfortable loose clothing and ice packs, and fill any prescriptions you may need in the week following surgery.
You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and stay with you for a couple of days. You may wish to set up a recovery area where you can relax and sleep in an elevated position.
What can I expect during gynaecomastia recovery?
Discomfort, swelling, bruising and numbness are all normal after a breast reduction/ gynecomastia procedure. This will ease over the following weeks, and our clinic team will be able to offer you advice on effective pain management. A compression garment is worn after this surgery to reduce swelling and increase comfort during recovery. To drain excess fluid, you may have drains which will be managed with the help of nursing staff.
Patients need several days to rest and recover after a reduction procedure. During the first few weeks after the reduction, heavy lifting, strenuous exercise and swimming is discouraged. Smoking should also be avoided to accelerate the healing process and prevent complications.
How much scarring will I have after male breast reduction?
All surgical procedures will result in scars however there are steps that can be taken to en-sure visible scars are kept to a minimum. For instance, keeping your incision site protected from the sun, using tape and massaging the area once healed.
What are the complications associated with gynaecomastia?
All surgical and invasive procedures carry risk, and these will be discussed during your con-sultation with your specialist plastic surgeon. All of our procedures are carried out in accred-ited hospital facilities with assistance from FANZCA qualified anaesthetists.
You will be provided with procedure specific information prior to your surgery with instruc-tions to ensure that you are in prime condition prior to your procedure. You will also be pro-vided with post-operative instructions outlining proper aftercare, including things to be aware of. Our specialised clinical team is available should you have any questions or con-cerns.
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Breast Surgery Before & After
By Surgeons
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.